Glass Repair & Replacement - Alexandria, VA

Commercial glass installation in Alexandria, VA covers installation of plate glass windows in both auto glass windows and storefronts. These glass types are considered commercial in natural yet the process of installation calls for totally different skills and tools.

Commercial glass installation for replacing storefront windows starts with the technician getting the opening’s measurements where the glass will be placed. These measurements will inform the technician of the diameter and thickness of the piece they will need. Windows get constructed to hold a specific thickness of glass and the thickness cannot be easily changed without totally rebuilding its window frame.

Commercial glass installation in Alexandria, VA also requires technicians to work with a safety glass. A safety glass is made through having the panels tempered by heat. After the material has been heat tempered, this will shatter into tinier pieces instead of bigger ragged pieces. The material also requires special care for connecting it to frames and hinges.

Holes for the door panels meant for commercial glass installation have been pre-drilled into the material so the technician doesn’t break the panel as they try to install locks and hinges. The material is difficult to break yet the panels’ edges are the most vulnerable spots on it. When the holes have not been pre-drilled prior to tempering the panel, it will be difficult for the technician to make them without causing breakage.

Before choosing a glass installation service, always look around to find the best price. See to it that every replacement bid will cover the same things. You have to know the exact offers of the company before you settle for the best deal.

After you are done with commercial glass installation in Alexandria, VA, you can also proceed to glass repair, glass replacement, auto glass repair, windshield replacement, window repair, and door closer repair as needed. .

Call us (571) 347-3471 and schedule with us NOW. LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEED.